When it comes to fire safety, it’s definitely no laughing matter, especially when the types of organisations and homes where they don’t take this subject with a matter of seriouness. As people have died from fires, the government have continually tried to raise awareness of fire safety throughout the UK and they have released a brochure detailing a variety of key points to take away with fire safety tips that everyone can do to reduce the risk;
Here’s some of their did you know thoughts;
You’re four times more likely to die in a fire if you don’t have a smoke alarm that works.
• 21 people die each year because the battery in their smoke alarm was flat or missing at the time of the fire.
• Around half of home fires are caused by cooking accidents.
• Three fires a day are started by candles.
This has been extracted from the Fire Safety in Home brochure from the GOV.UK website.